Top Pet Safety Tips for July 4th Celebrations - VetCBD Hemp


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Top Pet Safety Tips for July 4th Celebrations



It’s no secret that 4th of July can make our 4-legged friends a bit uneasy. Between loud noises and fireworks lighting up the night sky, food scraps, and unfamiliar faces, our pets can face a number of stressful and uncomfortable situations while we’re having a blast.


Here are our top pet safety tips for July 4th so you can keep your furry friends calm during America’s favorite summer holiday:

  • July 5th is one of the year’s busiest days in shelters due to lost pets running away from 4th of July commotion. Be sure to microchip your pet, or make sure their microchip is registered and up to date, so in the unfortunate event your pet runs away, reuniting with them is made that much easier. Also make sure they’re wearing their collars with ID tags.
  • If possible, leave your pet in the safety and comfort of your home. Being in a new environment with a lot of people and loud noises can make them nervous, fearful, and potentially agitated or aggressive.
  • Keep food scraps out of reach. BBQ and picnic food is great for humans, but not so great for our pets. No one needs unnecessary tummy troubles!
  • If you’re attending a firework display, leave your pet at home with the windows closed, or in a safe, quiet place where they can’t escape. The loud noises and lights can heighten their fear response and can cause them to be disorientated from the sounds.
  • Summertime heat is no joke. Whether you’re in Arizona’s dry climate or Georgia’s humidity, heat exposure can be dangerous to your pet so it’s important to make sure they have access to fresh, cool water, plenty of shade, or a nice A/C cooled room.
  • After the festivities are over, be sure to clear away any food, decorations or debris that your pet could ingest or be physically harmed by.


Even if you do all of the above, your pet still may experience some circumstantial stress given all the July 4th hoopla. CBD oil can be your solution to keeping your pet calm, and supporting any tummy troubles they may have from ingesting food scraps.

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system which helps to regulate things like mood, sleep, appetite, stress, and discomfort. When used, CBD can help provide a sense of overall balance in the body. It can be especially helpful in mitigating the fight or flight response we, and our pets, can experience when met with stressful situations.

CBD oil can come in various forms, but we recommend using a tincture since you’re able to accurately dose the amount your pet needs based on their weight. It can be easily administered orally with a pet-safe syringe like the one included with our Signature Tincture. While CBD metabolizes differently in every body, giving your pet CBD about an hour before the festivities start will help them feel a sense of calm. It should last for several hours, though depending on your pet, they may require a second dose a few hours later if you start to see them look nervous or agitated.

There you have it — our top pet safety tips for July 4th! Have a great holiday and remember to keep your pets calm, safe, and happy (though you can throw on a cute outfit if they’re up for it!).

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These product reviews are for informational purposes only. The information is not a substitute for expert veterinary care. Product reviews are written by actual customers and represent their own observations. These observations are not guaranteed, are not medically substantiated, and may not be typical for other pets.

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